Ways you can be involved in your community
Estate Inspection Volunteer
You will focus on cleaner and safer neighbourhoods, embedding civic pride, by reporting repairs in your neighbourhood, working closely with Housing staff.
Block representative
Supported by your local tenant and resident association, you will provide regular reports on unresolved matters.
Building Safety Group
These resident's voices are key to sharing safety information with wider residents.
Repairs Action Group
Improving service by focusing on: repairs service, anti-social behaviour and the customer experience.
Sheltered Area Resident Association (SARA)
Each sheltered block representative will attend SARA to discuss matters raised by tenants.
Tenants and Residents Associations (TRAs)
These groups promote civic pride, get involved in the community and raise matters with Housing services.
Leaseholder Network Group
This group will share information with Leaseholders.
Tenant scrutiny
Resident Voice is the tenant-led group acting as a critical friend to review services. Joining the Resident Voice group is via a selective process, drawing in tenants from across different communities. In turn, Resident Voice will invite wider numbers of tenants to help review the services you receive.
Contact us
For more information, email the Housing Engagement Team engage@hounslow.gov.uk